Q&A with Corrine – the new host of The Dietitian Café

19th June 2023
Written by HRS Communications

The Dietitian Cafe transition episode with Corrine and Harriet

This month Corrine will be taking over as host of The Dietitian Café podcast – a nutrition and dietetics podcast where we discuss the latest nutrition topics, trends, and science. Two episodes are released a month: a classic interview style episode with a featured guest and a debate episode highlighting a hot topic in the world of nutrition and dietetics.

Corrine Toyn is a registered dietitian and marketing specialist who is on a mission to grow food, drink and wellness brands that are as passionate about improving health as she is. Corrine has also recently been appointed Chair of the British Dietetic Association Industry Specialist Group and plans to help raise the profile of Dietitians and nutrition professionals working within the industry.

Let’s get to know Corrine a bit better as the new host of the Dietitian Café podcast and her perspective on the future of podcasting.

1.Congratulations on becoming the new host of The Dietitian Café podcast! To start, can you tell us a bit more about yourself?

Thank you! I’m delighted to be the new host of the podcast, although I’m sure I’m not alone by saying how much I’ll miss Harriet. Both Harriet and I are Registered Dietitians and that’s how we know each other so I was super excited when she asked me to be host.

I’m also the founder of Chickpea Marketing, a marketing and nutrition consultancy on a mission to grow food, drink and wellness brands that are as passionate about improving health as I am. I’ve worked in the food and drink industry for over 5 years across medical nutrition, retail and the food manufacturing space and recently made the decision to set up my business which involves working with wonderful companies like HRS Communications. Alongside my work, I have recently been appointed Chair of the British Dietetic Association Industry Specialist Group in which I plan to help raise the profile of dietitians and nutrition professionals working within the industry.

2. What draws you to podcasting?

Podcasting has gained immense popularity over the years, accelerated especially due to COVID. I’m also listening to more podcasts than I ever have done and as I love meeting new people, I’ve always liked the idea of presenting one. Podcasts are incredibly accessible, and you can learn a lot in a short amount of time. I also like that unlike other forms of media, podcasts are more personal, and you can feel as though you’re part of a community. I also like the flexibility and creativity that podcasting presents, and the fact that you can blend storytelling with education.

3. What excites you most about your new role as host?

I’m looking forward to sharing my passion about nutrition and dietetics as well as building connection with a variety of guests and experts. I’m excited to engage with listeners, hear their feedback and help to grow The Dietitian Café community. In addition, I’m looking forward to learning more and hearing about topics of interest from different perspectives. Ultimately, I hope I can make a positive impact through the conversations we have on The Dietitian Café.

4. We’re looking forward to seeing the fresh perspective you’ll bring to the Dietitian Café podcast. What are the top three trends you see emerging in the future of podcasting?

Thank you! Some of the trends I anticipate that will gain traction are the rise of subscription models which may offer exclusive content. Also, with the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), there may be more integration of audio with AI tools and voice assistants. Lastly, I hope to continue to see diversification of content and genres beyond the traditional interview style. For example, there may be more niche topics, video, and even immersive experiences.

5. Do you think podcasting will continue to grow in popularity, or will it reach a saturation point?

Interesting question! I personally feel like there is always more to learn about and podcasts provide a perfect platform for absorbing new information. For this reason, I can’t see them reaching a saturation point but with podcasts popularity rising, it may be harder to have your podcast’s voice heard in an increasingly competitive market. This could therefore make way for innovation in technology and content.

6. Looking ahead, how do you see podcasting evolving to meet the changing needs and preferences of its listeners?

There may be more interactive elements such as ways for listeners to engage with hosts and guests in real-time through live Q&A sessions or audience participation on social media. Alternatively, virtual reality has come onto the scene in a big way, and so this could lead to more immersive experiences. As technology evolves, there may be the opportunity to personalise podcasts and ensure topics are even more closely aligned with listener’s interest. Over the years, I’ve seen more integration with visual elements such as videos which can make it more appealing for listeners. Furthermore, podcasts may be extrapolated into other media formats such as live shows, TV or film.

7. In terms of podcasting in healthcare, do you think podcasting will continue to evolve as a tool for healthcare professional education and engagement?

Yes, I do because it’s such an accessible form of learning and you can hear from experts in the field at a click of a button. You can also draw on the insights of multi-disciplinary perspectives and encourage collaboration which can often challenge the norm and foster innovation. As healthcare professionals, for many of us, one of our biggest skills is listening, whether its listening to patients or listening to feedback from our peers to learn and develop. Podcasting draws on this but I think it’s important not to separate the human from healthcare professionals. As human beings, we all enjoy listening to people’s stories and having a laugh so it’s about finding that sweet spot where we can educate and entertain at the same time.

8. Similarly, do you see podcasting as an important future tool for patient education?

It could be! We all learn in different ways so this could be worth testing to see if certain patients take on information more by listening to a podcast vs the traditional recommendation of reading a leaflet or visiting a website for example.

9. If readers are feeling inspired to start a podcast, what is the most important thing they should consider?

I did a post about this on my Instagram account (@chickpeamarketing) so feel free to check out my top tips on making sure a podcast is a success on there. However, if I could choose one, it would have to be choosing a clear topic or theme that means something to you. A great podcast is one that covers a specific niche with a defined target audience. Ultimately, you need to be able to be yourself and show your passion for a topic so if it’s too broad, doesn’t feel authentic or isn’t consistent, listeners will lose interest quickly.

10. To finish, do you have any new/cutting-edge podcast recommendations that you’re currently enjoying?

Firstly, it has to be The Dietitian Café – it’s my go to for hearing the latest research and topics related to the world of nutrition and dietetics, as well as hearing about other Dietitian’s career journeys and perspectives. I also really like ‘Oh for Foods Sake’ by Amy Wilkinson and Lucy Wager and the Food Matters Live podcast for gaining insights into the food and beverage industry. To bring me up to speed on the latest updates relating to the food system and the challenges it faces, I listen to the Food Foundation’s podcast. And I always feel inspired after listening to ‘How I build this’ by Guy Raz and ‘Feel Better, Live More’ with Dr Rangan Chatterjee.

HRS Communications is founded by a Registered Dietitian and our team offers a full service agency approach to all medical and nutrition marketing needs. Our medical copywriters and creators have accredited backgrounds in the nutrition, dietetic and healthcare fields and can draft copy and produce content for evidence-based medical communications. So, get in touch via the website to find out how we can help support your business.

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