Podcast Pointers – Tips to increase audience engagement

7th August 2024
Written by HRS Communications

Image of podcast studio with microphone and recording light

When was the last time you listened to a podcast that truly inspired you?  What sparked your interest? Perhaps it was the guest speaker being open and vulnerable that made you feel connected to their shared experience. Or the host’s ability to delve deep into the minds of experts. This blog explores methods of increasing audience engagement using the acronym DELVE to help you better engage with your podcast listeners.

D is for diversity

The demographic profile of a podcast’s audience can significantly influence the content. Global media productions frequently target ‘affluent cosmopolitan elites’ leading to poor representation of minority groups2. Media outlets such as podcasts should encourage diversity by providing space for ‘other’ voices underrepresented in media (for example ethnic, racial, gender or sexual minorities) to express themselves as individuals and collectively2.  Think of ways you could make space for underrepresented groups. For example, in a female-led profession such as dietetics, where females represent 91% of dietitians3, exploring diversity could involve inviting high profile male dietitian guests onto the podcast to inspire a wider audience.

E is for engagement

Once you have defined your target audience, it’s important to keep your listeners engaged by discussing timely and relevant topics. With many of us leading busier lifestyles striving for productivity, the need to switch off is of high importance4, and podcasts can provide listeners with a form of escapism through storytelling. Making a podcast accessible via multiple mainstream platforms as well as including visual options (e.g., streaming a video version on YouTube or including visual clips on social media) can enhance engagement5. Perhaps set up a challenge for podcast listeners and encourage them to share their results on their own social media platforms to reach a wider audience (remind them to tag your brand and include any relevant hashtags).

L is for link

Collaborating with like-minded organisations and individuals is a great way to boost podcast engagement. Include an interesting and varied array of guests covering a broad range of topics which will resonate with your target audience. Be open to guest speaker opportunities on other podcasts with similar values as this can expand networking opportunities.

V is for vision

Having a vision is a must for any podcast alongside a structured content plan with timely episode release dates. Podcast promotion ahead of the episodes to generate interest is essential. Knowing the sequel release date creates excitement and anticipation. Conversely, being left in the dark and not knowing when or if your favourite podcast series will return may encourage listeners to find another alternative. Don’t let listeners slip away! Keep consistent.

E is for evaluate

Taking a step back to reflect on successes and failures can be an invaluable tool to measure performance. Celebrate successes, including acknowledgment of factors that contributed to the success. Think of creative ways to find out about your listeners preferences via polls or surveys on social media. Most importantly reflect on mistakes and be open to change and innovative ways of delivering content for a podcast to flourish6.

  1. Kulkov, I., Kulkova, J., Rohrbeck, R., & Menvielle, L. (2024). Leveraging Podcasts as Academic Resources: A Seven-step Methodological Guide. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23. https://doi.org/10.1177/16094069241266197
  2. Fürsich, E. (2010). Media and the representation of Others. International Social Science Journal, 61(199), 113-130. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2451.2010.01751.x
  3. Health & Care Professions Council (2023) Diversity data: dietitians – March 2023. [online] Available at: https://www.hcpc-uk.org/resources/data/2023/diversity-data-dietitians-2023/ [Accessed 2nd August 2024]
  4. Jeehye, K. C., Wadhwa. M., Chattopadhyay. A. (2019).  When Busy Is Less Indulging: Impact of Busy Mindset on Self-Control Behaviors, Journal of Consumer Research, 45 (5), 933–952, https://doi.org/10.1093/jcr/ucy069
  5. Moore, T. (2022). Pedagogy, Podcasts, and Politics: What Role Does Podcasting Have in Planning Education? Journal of Planning Education and Research, 0(0), 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1177/0739456X221106327
  6. Rime, J., Pike, C., & Collins, T. (2022). What is a podcast? Considering innovations in podcasting through the six-tensions framework. Convergence, 28(5), 1260-1282. https://doi.org/10.1177/13548565221104444

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